Monday, August 9, 2010

Multiple Orgasms: Men Want To Have Them Too

Most people assume that when a man has an orgasm there will also be a substance, semen, that spouts from his penis. It is assumed that the euphoric feeling in their body is a result of ejaculating; the theory of male orgasms. Often people don’t consider the possibility of ejaculating; the release of semen, is a result of an orgasm, or that ejaculation is not needed to have an orgasm.

Our culture has defined male orgasm as ejaculation and an overall good feeling followed by a rest period; usually the rest period is also the time in which a man can not obtain another erection for a certain amount of time. This is called the refractory period. We often fail to discuss the the true potential of the male orgasm. One sexual/spiritual practice that discusses this variation in sexual expression is Tantric Sex. People who practice Tantric Sex believe men, like women, are able to achieve multiple orgasms. Their practice includes the use of muscle control, breathing techniques, and ejaculation control. This type of male orgasm focuses on the euphoric feeling one has just before ejaculation. The goal is to achieve this feeling over and over without ejaculating. It is believed once one ejaculates this is the end f their sexual response cycle. To delay the ejaculation allows the male to have more than one orgasm, and one ejaculation. For some people the idea of holding one's ejaculation or not ejaculation during sex for a few day seems unrealistic, or undesirable. It may also seem like this is not a multiple orgasm. To those people I say the following: look at this technique from a different perspective, not from the traditional societal definition of orgasm. There has also been documentation of men who are able to have multiple orgasms that include multiple ejaculations. In theory they have no refractory period, or in some way they are able to override this phase of the Sexual Response Cycle (see previous post Orgasms: So Simple yet So Complex), but this outside of the scope of this discussion.

How Can I Have Multiple Orgasms?

Some people practice this by learning breathing techniques, learning about their bodies response, and using the “million-dollar-point” to stop ejaculation. This is located on the perineum just before the anus. If timed correctly pressure from your ring, middle, and pointer finger on the “million-dollar-point” can stop ejaculation.

Though multiple orgasms seem like something fun to try, it is not something that can be learned overnight. This skill requires practice, and patience before one is able to use the technique in their regular sex practice. In this section you will learn the basis of how to become capable of having multiple orgasms.

As previously stated, there are believed to be two types of multiple-male -orgasms; body orgasms and the ability to ejaculate multiple times. The following information is techniques that can be use for obtaining multiple-body-orgasms.

First, one must be familiar with the SRS -The Sexual Response Cycle- this is the process your body goes through before, during, and after sex. In the male sexual response period, the cycle ends at the refractory period. During this time the male is unable to achieve an erection for a certain period of time, and the penis may be to sensitive for stimulation The goal of the tantric practice is to not allow yourself to get to the refractory period but remain in the pleatu/orgasm phase of the cycle.

After you are aware of how the sexual response works your next steps is to working on strengthening your pubococcygeus muscles (PC muscles). These are the same muscles that women exercise by doing Kegels to help with child birth and to tighten the vagina. Your PC muscles play an important role in sex functioning as they also help with semen control, and erection firmness. The best way to find exactly what muscle this is is to stop and start the flow of your urine, or inserting a finger into the anus and contract if your anus contracts around your finger you are using your PC muscles. The goal is to be able to contract this muscle while keeping your buttocks, thighs, and abdomen muscles relaxed. You will need to train your muscles to make them stronger and to learn how to use them correctly; this process will take about 4 weeks and one should maintain the practice even after you have achieved your goals to keep your muscles strong.
Contract your PC muscles and hold the contraction for 1-2 seconds. Rest for the same time you held the contraction then repeat. Do this for 20reps 3X a day for one week.
Contract your PC muscles and hold the contraction for 2-4 seconds. Rest for the same time you held the contraction for then repeat. Do this for 40reps 3X a day for one week.
Contract your PC muscles and hold the contraction for 4-8 seconds. Rest for the same time you held the contraction then repeat. Do this for 80reps 3X a day for one week.
The last week your exercise will change slightly. Contract your PC muscles and hold the contraction for as long as you can, releasing slowly and rest for the same amount of time you held the contraction. Do this between 50-100reps 3X a day for one week.
Please note: Kegel exercise recommendations may vary if you do not like my regimen feel free to find one suitable for you.

Once you have learned this you are ready to learn the next component of becoming a multi-orgasmic male. It is important that you keep at your Kegels while learning the next step, but you should not continue to this step until you have completed the four weeks of Kegel training. The next step involves identifying when you are about have an orgasm and when you are about to ejaculate. This step can be tedious or unpleasant to began but it is part of the learning process. The best way to learn this is through self pleasure either by yourself or with the help of your partner. The first time you want to masturbate as you normally would until you ejaculate. Observe what that felt like. The next time, masturbate until you are just about to ejaculate; self pleasure until you reach the point of no return. This is the point when you try to stop but know that it is to late and ejaculation will occur. Observe what this feels like and how it is different from self pleasuring until there is a release. Next, you want to start focusing on the moment just before the point of return. Self pleasure until you feel you are approaching the point of return, and either slow your movements or stop pleasuring, and see what this feeling feels like. Play around with this and see what point feels best to stop. Also, play with how long you wait until you slow down or change the stimulation. Once you have found this try self pleasuring to that point and completely stopping with no ejaculation. If there is a scale of one to five for this, one being completely not aroused and five being ejaculation, your goal is to be between three and four. So discover what three or four feels like for you. Once you are able to identify this point, try self pleasuring and working your arousal to a three or four, continuing the stimulation try to maintain that three or four in whatever way needed even if its just stoping for a second. By the end of this practice you should be able to identify your point of no return, you should also be able to keep yourself between a three and four, and lastly you should know what its like to not have an ejaculation though you are highly aroused.

Lets Put the Two Techniques Together.

It is important that throughout this process you have patience, relax, and know that it take time to master this technique. Now that you know how to use your PC muscles and you are able to identify when you are about to ejaculate you can combine the two. This time practice the same self pleasure technique but when you feel yourself going past a three or four level of arousal or you feel yourself about to be to the point of no return contract your PC muscles and hold them for ten seconds as firmly as you can. Then slowly let go and repeating if you feel your arousal is still high or u still feel the urge to ejaculate. Practice arousing yourself to when you are just about to ejaculate and use your PC muscles to hold the ejaculate. This may take a few times before you are able to do this without ejaculating. Practice with it, its ok to ejaculate you can always start over. The key to mastering this is to relax, practice, knowing your body and what the stages of your SRC feel like, and maintaining your pc muscles. The more relaxed you are and the stronger your pc muscles are the better you will be at this technique. Also, remember that orgasm and ejaculation are separate. Learning to separate the two mentally and physically will also help to master this technique. Once you feel comfortable with this you can practice with your partner and enjoy the benefits, holding of ejaculation and experiencing as many orgasms as you would like, then ejaculating if you wish after.

This is the basic components of becoming multi-orgasmic-male. Though there are many more techniques and theories that can be used in the Tantric practices, these steps are the foundation. I recommend reading The Multi-Orgasmic Man by Mantak Chia and Douglas Abrams Arava. This book discusses the history of multi-orgasmic men and its benefits from an Eastern and Western view. Remember this takes time, and practice so don’t get frustrated. Also, these basic exercises are good for overall men’s sexual health. Kegel can help achieve and maintain a stronger longer lasting erection, while the area just before the “million-dollar-spot” can be a source of instant pleasure. So experiment and find what works for you. Most of all have fun.

If you have any questions about this post or anything sexually related please contact