people or why was it so popular I had no idea. Now, I wonder will they ever grow to the popularity they once were.
I decided to write about this topic after having a night out with some friends. I asked them what should I write about, and collectively the three of them came up with Phone Sex; the mystery of who is on the other side and what they are doing. The fantasy of the two of you doing something no one else know you are doing, or the "Phone Sex Voice". This is a look at phone sex before current technology was widely available. Numerous sexual outlets are now available on our command, anywhere we are. Before there was sexting there were live operators using their voice and imagination. Before there was internet porn there were 900 numbers. Before there were famous porn starts there were famous phone sex ladies. Modern for it's time and still available, though it is less appealing than buying a video or magazine, phone sex was the it thing in the world of sexual display for money.
What is Phone Sex? Phone Sex is type of sex that people engage in with the use of a telephone, cell phone, or something used to communicate with other people. It is usually a sexually explicit conversation that two or more people are having and at least one of these people is masturbating during the time. This can include people discussing various sexual fantasies, describing sex acts, sexual suggestions that are acted out, narrations, sexual sounds, or listing to those involved masturbating. This can also be done with text messages, internet chatting, webcam, or even email.
During the 90's phone sex was a popular sex outlet for people. For an average of $1.99 per minute people could talk to someone on the other end of the phone, usually a woman for as long as they wanted. The caller could act out whatever sex scene they wanted, calls usually last about 15 minutes. Phone sex was an outlet for everyone ranging from vanilla fantasies, ie. mutual masturbation, to extreme sex fantasies, ie. rough sex fantasies.
How It works: When phone sex lines were first available the caller would call a 900 number to reach a girl. Once the line is connected the caller was charged a fee, even if it was called by mistake. The longer the person stayed on the call the more the phone company would charge as a 900 toll fee. In some cases mistakes would happen and people would dial the wrong number. If a person called a phone sex line and disputed the call with their phone line provider the charges would be reversed, but the person's phone was blocked from calling any 900 numbers.
Eventually this form of billing became an issue after a regulation was passed in 1996 banning the use of toll 900 numbers to lower fraudulent calls. In addition, people were embarrassed when it was discovered they were calling 900 numbers decreasing the popularity of lines that were 900 toll calls. During this time cell phones were becoming a popular electronic device, this allowed people to find more private places to call the lines. It also meant people could not dial 900 lines from their cell phones. So, eventually the companies converted to using 800 numbers. Now, credit information, in some cases paypay, is recorded and processed before the session starts and the person is charged a flat rate for a specific period of time.
When in home media was available to more people at a cheaper price, and people could now get videos or order movies from the privacy of their home phone sex use declined. This was a better bang for one's buck and a more private option for consumers. Now, people also had the option of the local adult book stores and have access to all sorts of media; in some cases they could pay a few dollars to see a live girl dance in a box or masturbate. Sex was becoming available for sale in more ways than one, and phone sex on some level was not able to keep up with the trends.
Though phone sex is still available for customers, I believe, it lacks the quality it once had. Now, some companies use automated voices that give a pre-scripted performance. Because there is less money in this industry corporations are less likely to run the business, and there is a rise in independent workers. However, there is now competition between the independent workers to get work, and they charge more for the same service. Also, because most phone sex services are independently own there is less money to put into advertising making it harder for customers to know these services are available. So, this leaves customers with two choices; search for an independent operator or call a company that offers pre-scripted scenes. For most people, these choices seem grim compared to paying the same price for a live chat online. Still the same concept but you do not have to imagine as much; instead you get more show.
So has the sultry voice on the other end died? No. Are there still lines for those that love the mystery of who is on the other end? Yes. Will phone sex survive the technology boom? Maybe. Have you had phone sex before? Maybe, yes if you have done anything in the above definition of phone sex. Do people in relationships use this resources? Yes, it may or may not be with their current partner.
So the next time you send out a dirty text think about how far phone sex has come.
For more information on this subject or any other subject on sex please contact theesexdoc.blogspot@gmail.com