This month I experienced what it was like to walk around in what some would consider lewd, strange, exciting, arousing, funny, crazy, and many other things. In New York someone started the annual no pants subway ride. People would get on the NY subway systems and ride around without any pants. This evet has recently made it's way to the Bay Area. This January was the 2nd annual no pants BART ride. On January 9, 2011 people were invited to come out at 12noon dressed as one normally would with the exception of pants. You could wear whatever you wanted as long as you had on no pants. All pantless riders came from all areas of the SF/Bay Area and met at Powell Street Station. We then walked around as though it was a normal day.
So why would people ride around on public transit without pants.
Some may do it because it was a fun silly thing to do, some may do it because they wanted to be comfortable, some wish for a day where they can wear little clothes, some enjoy exposing themselves (even if its just in undies) in public, some like to watch others when they don't know they are being watched (so they came to watch). I am not sure why people came to the event but I came in hopes of exploring what its like to public expose myself and watch others (though they knew I was watching ).
People like to expose themselves in public and some like watching others, are you serious?
For some people the vary idea of showing your "goodies" or your undies to unsuspecting people has no sex appeal; for others it does. This is often referred to as Exhibitionism. Wikipedia defines this as " colloquially referred to flashing, is behavior by a person that involves the exposure of private parts of his or her body to another person in a situation when they would not normally be exposed, such as in a public place, with a tendency toward an extravagant. The act may be at least partially sexual or intended to attract the attention of another or others, or to shock. Some people have a psychological compulsion to sexually expose themselves. The condition is sometimes called apodysophilia. In some situations exposing in public is a crime of indecent exposure or public nuisance. Though the offense is not often prosecuted, it is taken especially seriously when the flasher is a man."
This can come in all forms: mooning, flashing, lifting your skirt to expose undies/or no undies, and sex in public
For others, watching people is what really gets their jets warmed up. This is known as Voyeurism. Wikipedia defines this as "In clinical psychology, voyeurism is the sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other activity usually considered to be of a private nature. In popular imagination the term is used in a more general sense to refer to someone who habitually observes others without their knowledge, with no necessary implication of sexual interest"
This can come in all forms also but is usually reserved for people who watch others without their knowing.
Some argue that this is ok when done in controlled settings and not with minors, and others argue it is not ok and it may be a sign of psychological dysfunction. I am not here to argue either, my goal is to expose you to the variations of sexuality, sexual exploration, and sexual expression.
These two sexual concepts are often seen in popular media and current adult entertainment. Janet Jackson talks about exhibitionism in her song "anytime, anyplace". We see voyeurism in adult entertainment niches. Like BDSM we may have a little bit of voyeurism or exhibitionism in our own sexual practices. For example, have you ever taken your clothes off in front of your open curtains? Perhaps you thought about people seeing you but thought it may be a little naught if someone accidentally sees. Or maybe you showed up somewhere for a hot night wearing only a trench coat ready to reveal your life creation. Perhaps you saw someone who wasn't wearing underwear and instead of telling them they were exposed you just kept looking. The list goes on.
Keeping all this in mind I invite you to take an adventure with me. The following film is from the 2011 no pants BART ride. Enjoy.
You never know what people are into just by looking at them. I hope that by using current events, in creative ways, to inform people about various sexual outlets will encourage you to explore your whole sexual self, and ask questions freely and comfortably.
For more information on any of the topics discussed or any other topics email
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