Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Labiaplasty the latest trend in extreme plastic surgery.

Flowers are beautiful they come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. Like humans, no two flowers are alike. Flowers are a plants reproductive organ. If you ever take time to look flowers resemble the female vulva in many ways. They have a little bulb like area near the top that are similar to the clitoris in shape and positioning, they have petals that surround the flower that are similar to that of labia. Sometimes when you look at flowers it can be almost as arousing as looking at genitals.

This topic is especially for the Ladies but men should read this also. I have noticed lately that women have been putting themselves through unneeded body modification; cosmetic plastic surgery. There was a time when breast implants were a far leap but that was the new thing women were doing to make themselves more beautiful or more acceptable by society. Yes some women did it to feel sexier or for an increase in self-esttem, and there are women some do it as a result of a loss of their breast. Then suddenly women started to appear with what seemed almost cartoonish bottom. Not every female in the entertainment has a naturally large amount of junk in their trunk. In the last few years we have seen butt injections; silicone is injected into the gluteus to make ones bottom bigger their and hips appear wider. Both of these seem like extreme measures considering the health risks and the fact that it is not done as a cosmetic surgery to help one live a fuller life. In most cases it is done for body image issues and because there seems to be a trend in how much plastic surgery one can get. Lets put all this aside for a second and talk about an even more extreme surgery that women as young as 18 are having done its called a Labiaplasty. Some other terms used to describe this procedure are: labia minor reduction, labia reduction, or labioplasty.

A Labioplasty is: the removal of the labia majora or minora which are the folds of skin surrounding the vagina. Sometimes this is done due to damage of the labia, labia that are too long and cause discomfort. Some people do it for cosmetic purposes to make the vulva look cleaner, smaller, more attractive, and to make ones vagina appear tight and not loose. Below is a diagram of the female sex organ so you can see what where these structures are located.

This procedure has become a common way for women to feel younger, give the impression that they are sexually pure, and to look more normal. Where have these ideas come from? Why are women so willing to mutilate their body when they are perfectly natural? Why do doctors perform this surgery if it is not needed? All of these questions have endless answers but I will address the ones I think are important points and leave the rest open for discussion.

Women often don't have many resources to learn about their body. Often they learn about themselves from others, from men, or from what they see in various forms of media. Its not every day that women get together and discuss their sex organs like boys often do when they are first learning about their sex organs. Women don't have books to show them that every vulva is different. We are often told our genitals are ugly and not clean. All of this negative feed back is bound to create a negative association with one's genitals. Not many women have taken the time to explore with a mirror their genitals or share with their female friends, making for more mystery for what should be between one's legs.

Media: Most often women see other women's sex organs in pornography. While pornography can be fun, new, exciting, educational in some way, and arousing; It is an over glamorized depiction of the human body and sex in general. Women in porn are often potrayed as the perfect women in every way. It perpetuates that all women are the same down to what their genitals look like. Next time you watch an adult film notice that the women all have vaginas that look similar. They are small, their lips (labia) are exactly the same, their vaginas are bright pink from coloring procedures, and their anus is also bleached. These images we see are not representative of all women of various sizes and color. Below are various pictures taken from adult sites. Notices how they all look the same, but they are all different people.

The idea of a tight girl: the idea that if your vagina is loose= you are easy is also another contributing factor to this being a popular cosmetic surgery. What people don't realize is the labia do not determine the tightness of a woman's vagina. Labia come in all sizes, shapes, lengths and color; no woman shares the same vulva they are all different in some way. On labia may be longer than the other, they both may hang low, they may both be small, the inner lips may be bigger than the outer, but that does not make your vagina inadequate in any way. Tightness is also associated with being easy or how many guys you have had sex with. Some men and think that because your labia look a certain way they can determine if they are number one to have sex with you or number 500; almost always their predictions are wrong.

Why the labia are so great: Labia have many purposes and are made they way they are to serve some purpose. When you have intercourse or PV (penis-vagina) sex the friction from the labia can be quite arousing for your partner. Also the movement of the labia indirectly stimulates the clitoris because the clitoral hood is connected to the inner labia when the lips move it moves the clitoral hood stimulating the clitoris. The outer labia have nerves that are directly connected to the clitoris also so stimulation of the labia also stimulates the clitoris. Lastly, your labia make your vulva unique, it is a part of you love it own it accept them. But know that no two women are the same. Here are some pictures of vulvas in their variety.

So love your flower because it is yours and it is beautiful.

The following is a great resource for women to find books that show women's vaginas in their variety. Also, there is a link to their facebook page: I Love My Petals

The Petals website/book ordering: https://nickkarras.com/ILoveMyPetals.html

if you have any questions about this topic or any others please contact theesexdoc.blogspt@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Good Job! It's a tragedy what when do to their labia. Everyone needs to check out Nick Karras' Petals book. It truly is life changing for some women. You rock, Doctor!
