Sunday, July 4, 2010

What are people interested in talking/learning about?

Hello Everyone
Welcome to The Sex Doc's Blogspot.
This will be my first ever attempts to blog, so as I get acquainted with how blogging works I would like to know what are people interested in talking about. BDSM, Vanilla sex, Electrical Play, Making Safe Sex Sexy, LGBTQ topics, Sex Positions, Random Sex Facts, Sex Toys, Pornography, Erotic Books, or something I have not listed here.
Got questions? Post them here or email them to I will answer directly via email. Enjoy.


  1. Let's see, I'm interested in learning more about different sex positions and pornography.

  2. maybe a quick run-through of your counseling philosophy and education would help inform potential readers!

  3. Any particular genre of pornography; or adult media in general?
