Sunday, July 11, 2010

Orgasms: So Simple yet So Complex

Orgasm: The moment of most intense pleasure during sexual activity.

This little word is such a big topic especially in popular culture. From G-spot stimulation to men having multiple orgasms there are books, movies, and websites that give you the step by step to having an orgasm. Its rare that people know what causes an orgasm, what it is or how it works. As a sexologist I am often asked "how do I know if I am having an orgasm". This easily answered for men, and harder for women as ladies do not have any spunk to go with the sexual release, though men do not have to ejaculate to have an orgasm. Before I explain an orgasm and how it works let me say: whatever your orgasm is enjoy it every orgasm is different; everyone experience's orgasms differently. The goal of this post is to give you a basic understanding of what causes orgasms and the things that occur in your body before orgasm. Part of being sexually healthy is knowing how your body works sexually.

There are four stages to orgasm that were first discovered by Masters and Johnson, they coined this the Human Sexual Response Cycle (SRC). This cycle consists of four stages: excitement/arousal, plateau, orgasm, and resolution; each stage builds upon each other.

During the excitement/ arousal stage the person becomes aroused by something, and your body starts to show physical signs of you becoming aroused. In this stage erection/ vaginal lubrication occurs. Muscle tension also begins at this stage. Both men and women experience nipple erections. Women's breast get fuller and the vagina expands. Your heart rate increases and more blood flows to your genitals. This is usually happening during kissing, touching, watching adult films, cuddling, etc..

Next comes plateau which occurs until sufficient amount of stimulation has occurred to cause orgasm. In phase two everything that occurred in the previous phase is still happening. Additionally, the vagina turns a deep purple color, and the testicles move closer to the body. The head of the penis and the head of the clitoris become extremely sensitive. Muscle tension and breathing increase. When women are pre-orgasmic they are often stuck in this phase, for they do not have enough stimulation or they are not relaxed enough to continue to the next stage.

Orgasm, the one we have all been waiting for, is a release of all the tension that has been built in the body. lasting only a few seconds This released is characterized by a feeling of greatness, relief, bliss, intense pleasure, some feel they have lost control or they have blacked out. There are about 8-15 rhythmic contractions at the lower third of the vagina and about 3-7 rhythmic contractions at the base of the penis. Kegel exercises can make these contractions more intense and more pleasurable. The man releases semen at orgasm and some women squirt or dribble a fluid from the urethra opening during orgasm. One may experience the need to grip or hold tight to something. Foot spasms and involuntary muscle contractions occur. Lastly, sex flush occurs on the chest and cheeks. This is a pinkish tint, more noticeable the lighter your skin, that appears on ones chest and cheeks. Sometimes sex flush looks like a rash on the persons body but disappears within five minutes.

Lastly, the rest period called resolution. For men this is the period lasting from a few minutes to a few days. During which time a man can not get and or maintain an erection. This is known known as the refractory period. For women the clitoris may be extremely and in some cases unbearably sensitive. There is an increased feeling of intimacy, a general well-being feeling, and in most cases fatigue.Women and men who are multi-orgasmic have little to no resolution phase; they fluctuate between the plateau and orgasm phase.

I hope that this will help you identify different states of arousal and orgasm. Also, knowing how your orgasm works can help you have better orgasms or even become orgasmic. Its important to relax and enjoy whatever good sensations you are having. Remember everyone experience orgasm different but the physical manifestations are the same. Everyone goes through the same phases though the time spent at each state may be different from person to person. Next time you are getting it on, however gets you going best, try to see if you notice what stage you are in.

If you have any questions about this post, any other post, or any non-related sex question please email: theesexdoc,

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